With Many Gifts United
celebrating one another’s gifts
In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes, “Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit.” While we all have different talents and abilities, they all come from God’s generosity, and they can all be used in service of God’s mission. By ourselves, we can do little. But by uniting our gifts, we are a sign of God’s hope for a reconciled and renewed world.
We invite you to join us in celebrating our community’s diverse gifts as you submit a financial statement of intent for 2024. In addition, we invite you to share a brief reflection on how you see other community members using their gifts. We will celebrate our gifts at Ingathering Sunday on November 19 (Christ the King Sunday).
Thank you for your continued generosity to the mission we share,
Gavin Aquino, Church Council
Joseph Schattauer Paillé, Pastor